Who's who in the School of Athens

Who's who in School of Athens?

  1. Step 1: Search about the character
  2. Step 2: Describe him or her physically: What's he like? What's he doing?
  3. Step 3: What is he/she famous for? (use an example of relative, contiditional, passive voice, reported speech and modal verb). What did he say? What would have happened if he hadn't existed?
  4. Write a draft version on your notebook
  5. Write the final version on a blog:  http://englishattacks.blogspot.com.es/p/whos-who-in-school-of-athens.html

30 comentarios:

  1. María Jiménez Rosa11 de junio de 2014, 8:13


    She was a Greek, natural philosopher and teacher Neoplatonic Egypt, which was highlighted in the fields of mathematics and astronomy. It is dressed in a tunic. It is standing up. It was famous because she was the first mathematical woman. She was saying that there are no women and men, but there are disciples and teachers. We are brothers are equal. If it had not existed it would not be know of the existence of the densimeter.

  2. Ángel Sánchez Reinoso 1º Bach. B11 de junio de 2014, 10:49

    It is a robot that appears in the film "Star Wars". It is a blue and white little android.
    It is famous because it helps the Rebels in the fight against the Empire. It speaks in a sounds language but humans understand it.
    If R2D2 hadn´t exist the whole Star Wars saga would be different.
    In this photo it is standing up with C3PO (the other famous robot in Star Wars)

  3. Eduardo Antonio Mañas Martínez11 de junio de 2014, 10:56

    The donald duck is a animal cartoon character created in 1934 at Walt Disney Productions. He is standing up and he wear a black jacket and blue hat. Donald is famous for his short temper and his positive outlook on life in the disney film, donald is also famous for their appearance in the comics. A typical phrase is “What`s the big idea” or “Hiya toots”. If Donald hadn`t existed, Disney would be a little boring

  4. David del Barrio Velázquez11 de junio de 2014, 11:08

    C-3PO was a 3PO series protocol droid designed to interact with humans. Fluent in over six million forms of communication. He is famous because he was a protagonist in Star Wars films.
    He says a lot of things, he never shut up.... But, If he doesn't exist, would haven't made us laugh in moments of suspense.

  5. Katia Bazán Quesada 1°B

    Hello Mr Che!!

    Of Hipatia although has not much information,
    We can say that at first was a pilosophy and also greek master napoleonica, nature of Egypt, as well as member and head of the school of Alexandria napoleonica.

    Moreover in this picture we can see is a young woman as well as pretty enough furthermore elegant. So we can see in the picture going dressed in a white tunic and also has her hair down and wavy, she is standing. In addition she has a unique character of woman devoted to thought and teaching.

    Finally the person was stressed both in the fields of mathematics as in astronomy. As a result of she was the first woman in mathematics it is known.
    Moreover despite being a very important person if it had not existed it would not be know of the existence of arithmetic commemts, and big thigs.. A phrase she said no women and men, but there are disciples and teachers. Are brothers and are equal.

  6. Hi Mr Che.
    Rocky Balboa.
    Rocky Balboa is the protagonist of the film Rocky . He is wearing black boxers and red boxing gloves. Rocky is famous because is an example of overcoming, for example he won the championship. One time he said: "My father, my father was not very intelligent and he told me: you born with very little brain, so start using your body ; and I became a boxer.
    If Rocky had not been we didn't know the best boxer at the world and her films.

    James Byron Dean he was born in 1931 and he died in 1955.
    He was an american actor and now he is a cultural icon. He made only three movies because dean's premature death in a car crash but this cemented his legendary status.He became the first actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, and remains the only actor to have had two posthumous acting nominations.

  8. He was a philosopher. Disciple of Tales. Write a book about the nature and also has an earth map in which the measured equinoceos and solticios.
    He is a man with a long beard and bald will wearing a brown tunic.
    This sitting behind the Pitagoras, his hands has a book and a pen.
    If there weren't Anaximander would have created the earth map which we can determine the size and distance of stars

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. Jessica Rabbit for Julia Martin.
    She's a cartoon, beautiful, has noticeable curves.
    Her hair is red and lips.
    She wears a fabulous red dress with glitter and purple gloves.
    In the photo, she is standing and she is posing
    Jessica Rabbit says, "I'm not bad, I just have drawn well"
    She is famous because it is the wife of Roger Rabbit. Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit.

  11. R2D2.
    Is a robotic character from the science-fiction saga stars wars.Is a capsule robot design with two arms that are his wheels.It´s standing looking up with another robot saga C-3PO.This character is especially important because otherwise the history of the series had changed completely and we had not known his characteristic sound.

  12. Indiana Jones for Araceli López.
    Indiana Jones works as an archaeologist and professor.
    When he's not teaching,undertakes travel in order to find items of significant historical valve to humanity. He is tall,handsome,dark and their clothing consists mainly og a high crown fedora , a leather jacket and the whip.
    This is a phrase of indiana jones says in one of his movies: " And then I remembered what Carlomagno let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds of heaven.Without indiana jones adventure films would not be the same

    He was a Italian painter. In the picture,he is standing up and speaking. He have got a white coat and a bonnet. This caracter is famous for painting pictures like "school os Athens" or "The Galeta", and he was also in the service of the Pope Julio II and he painted a private dome of the Vaticam.
    If he hadn't existed ,this picture wouldn't has been painted.

  14. Marilyn Monroe:
    She was a really pretty girl. She was blonde and she had short hair. In this photo she is wearing a white dress and she is possing.
    She was such a famous girl because of her role as an actress, a model and a singer. She was considered the major sex symbol during the 1950s and early 1960s. She said: "I´m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best". If she hadn't existed lots of girls wouldn't have had a role model.

  15. The character I am going to talk about is Marilyn Monroe. She appears in the middle of the picture.
    Her real name was Norma Jeane, and she was born the first of June, 1926; and she died the fifth of august 1962.
    She is blond and has a curly hair. She is wearing a white dress and a white heels. The dress she is wearing is famous because a classical movie named “THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH”.
    She was famous for having appeared in several movies such as “GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES” (1953), “HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE” (1953) and “THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH” (1955); where she played a comic role like a dumb blonde. Her most famous scene is the one that appear in this picture whit the white dress.
    If she never had not existed a lot of classical movies would not either exist.

  16. The broke Donald is a personage of Disney, characterized as an anthropomorphic duck of white color and with the beak, the legs and the orange legs. Generally it dresses a shirt of seaworthy style and a hat, without trousers, except when it is going to swim. Donald was re-designed in the year 1937 happening to be a bit more stuffed, rounded and down. The Donald's first appearance was in the animation silly Symphonies and The wise gallinita, June 9, 1934 created by Dick Lundy if the broke donald had not existed all our infancy would have been totally different, because, the children we might not have re-gone so much without the broke donald running behind of his dear Daisy.

  17. Juan Jesús López López11 de junio de 2014, 15:17

    Fellini was a films director and screenwriter. He became famous for making films like "La Strada" and "La dolce vita".
    Fellini is wearing a hat, a jacket, and a megaphone.
    It he hadn't existed, we wouldn't have had such important films.

  18. My philosopher was Epicúro, his philosophy was the pursuit of pleasure when was responsible, he said that the destination is not existe.el also said that nature is guided by chance. Only then can freedom. Critical religious myths, said they were bad for the man. The end of human life is to seek pleasure and away the pain, but always responsibly, if not cause much suffering pleasures intelligence help, trying to get to a physical peace.
    He said that relations are avoided only if they cause pain, that knowledge by itself is of no use if not used in the pursuit of happiness.
    Although most of his work has been lost, we know his teachings through De rerum natura work and through some letters and fragments rescued fine.

    Alberto Macias Corzo 1º BACH B

  19. Hi Mr Che
    At first lived in Mileto at time of Tales (610-547a.C). Also belongs at first written philosophical qualited '' Sobre la naturaleza''. Is considere as the three top members of ''Escuela de Mileto.
    Moreover, he as a man bald and with withe curly beard. He wears a yellows toga.
    Also, it as the first of whom de have concrete evidence that madre a comprehensive and detalles attemp to explain all aspectos of the world of human experience.
    Furthermore he is sitting con the stairs with a notebook and a o en next to Pitágoras, noting what he as writing.
    He as campus because he highlighted as a como anión and teacher of Anaxímenes. It addressed práctica issues related to science. The most important thing he said as the term Arjé.
    Finally, if he has not existed, we wouldn't know the basic principales, sin e it as the first to investigate the material cause of all that existía.
    Laura Molina Quesada 1°C

  20. Marilyn Monroe for Miriam Abad.

    Marilyn Monroe was a glamorous girl, intelligent, sexy, gorgeous and spectacular. Front of people wanted to look happy but in reality it was not, it was a girl with depression and with many personal problems.
    Her height was 1.66 meters and weight of 63 kilos. But during his life had different weight from a minimum of 58 kilos to 64 kilos maximum.
    She had blue eyes, her hair was brown but always dyed it blonde, had a snub nose and mouth was large and fine.
    She believed that her right side of her face was better profile.
    Marilyn had many occupations in his life: she was an actress, singer, model, bridesmaid, drug addict, housekeeper, porn star, etc. ..
    She was a big star in Hollywood, very famous and loved by the public. Was a girl who started her career as model and posing for magazines, until a filmmaker hired and started working as an actress, and became the great sex symbol of the time.

  21. Alba Mª León Carrión. 1ºBach_B11 de junio de 2014, 16:08

    Hi Mr Che!
    Batman is a hero without powers, billionaire and intelligent, handsome, strong and skillful, that covers her face with a mask and goes out at nights wearing black dress to combat evil. His worst fear are bats.
    He is so famous due to his comics, his movies and series.
    He said: "My enemies will share my fear." "This city just showed you that is full of people ready to believe in good."
    If batman had not existed, the generations of today would not have known the greatest hero in the history of DC Universe.

  22. Hello Mr. Che
    - Marilyn Monroe:

    Marilyn Monroe was a famous that stood out fot this beauty. She had short and blond hair ; is wearing a white dress
    In the image she can't cover the legs.
    This girl is a world icon, she was very attractive and could to inspire love in many men.
    Marilyn had a relation with president of USA, John Kennedy.
    His famous phrase is:
    - What do I wear in bed?
    - Why, Chanel No,5, of course.
    She killed with tablets. Without her the elegance would not exit. Marilyn is so impotant that always it will be remembered.

  23. Francisco Ortega Martin11 de junio de 2014, 23:54


    Apollo was a god of greek mythology and was considered the god of prophety.
    He was nacked in this photo and he was standing up. He was famous for be a symbol of male beaty and be god of prophecy. If he hadn`t existed the music and poetry didn`t had discovered because he was who invented

  24. Groucho Marx

    He is a comedian, actor and a writer, but he gets to know by his movies among his two brothers, Chico and Harpo. He has got a moustache and very big eyebrow, both falses, he is smoking a cigar and he is hide behind the pillar. He wear glasses. He is famous because of the films that he did with his brothers, like “Duck Soup” or “Horse Feathers”. There are so many famous phrases by Groucho, but my favourites of them, are: “There is only one way to know if a man is honest, asked him for it, if he says yes, he isn´t it.” and “The contract part of the first part will be considered like the contract part of the first part”. And I think that if he hadn´t exist, the cinema don´t be like it is now.

  25. Marilyn Monroe: she was born 1st June 1926 and died 5st August when she was only 36 years old. Her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson.
    She was an American actress, a model, and a singer who became a mayor sex symbol starring in a nuber of commercially succesful motion pictures during the 50s and early 60s.
    In the photo she's wearing her famous white vaporous dress and she's smiling. Marilyn was blonde, medium size and shaped. She was a really pretty woman.
    Marilyn Monroe was famous for her woork as an actress, a model and a singer, and also because in her best years on TV, she was JF Kennedy's lover.
    Some of her phrases that she said were:
    "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
    "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genious and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
    If she hadn't existed, probably Kennedy's marriage would had less troubles but today girls wouldn't have the example of a shaped-woman is beautiful too, not that skinny girls that we see now on TV.

  26. Charles Chaplin
    He was an actor,producer,writer and director born in England in 1889 and dead in Switzerland in 1977.
    He is a medium size and medium tall man with dark hair and a moustache
    He is famous because he made a lot of great films as "The great dictator","The vagabond" or "The circus"
    In the photo he is taking off his hat.
    One of his famous phrases is "Be you,be happy,but above all be you.
    If he didn´t exist the wordl of the cinema be different because we lose a lot of great films

  27. José Manuel Torres Morales12 de junio de 2014, 12:26

    Batman (Bruce Wayne) is a superhero who lives in Gotham. He always try to save the city. He is wearing a batcostume and a batbelt. He is posing like a superhero and looking ahead. He is famous because is one of the greatest superheros of DC Comics.
    His famous phares is "I'm Batman". If he hasn't existed Gothan City would be destroyed and the Joker would be sad.

  28. Ricardo Martínez Romero15 de junio de 2014, 8:34

    My character is Protagoras, nº 19, I hope you'll enjoy my presentation:
    First of all he was a person who used the retoric, he was a teacher of knowledges.
    He have a blue coat and a cane, he is standing up.
    He is famous because he wrote the constitution of Athens at 443 b.C and for first time in the history in athens there was a public and obligatory education, he wrote two books: On truth and antilogies, if he hadn´t existed probably we would not have a public education as we know it now.

  29. Fran Díaz Contreras15 de junio de 2014, 20:17

    (For the third time..)
    Batman is a character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.
    He is a superhero dedicated to fighting crime in Gotham City
    He does not have superpowers, using intelligence and technology for catch the criminals of Gotham City.

    He is strong, tall, intelligent, skillful and friendly.
    He dedicated to catch the criminals of Gotham.
    It is famous for the command bat.
    He says "I am what Gotham needs me to be. "
    If there were, the joker dominate the world.


    He is the number 3 in the picture, who is supporting on a table. He is wearing a pale brown tunic. He is thinking what he want to write. Heraclitus wroteone work which was called "sobre la naturaleza". In this work, isn´t sure that he has talked about the nature, the soul or the cosmology. Probably, the work has been wroten with one combination of compile sentence by Heraclitus. The work of heraclitus can support in the enigmatic and prophetic character
